2011 Salon de la Moto

The Paris Bike Show just ended. I'm not much of a bike expert so most of it flew right over me (I only recognized a handful of brands).

People (mostly men obviously) pay 12 euros for a chance to sit on a Ducati...

...have their picture taken on a BMW...

...or drool over some of the fancier models

Once you're back down from cloud nine, it dawns on you that pretty much every model on the floor is way beyond your budget.

They had a vintage section as well with some alien-looking older models

In the end, I liked this little Honda Zoomer the best

Nothing fancy, rugged, and no chrome (I'm not gonna get a bike so I can spend every weekend polishing it). 50cc (so no need for a license) and looks nimble enough to survive Parisian traffic. And at 2,600 €, it's almost affordable.


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